Find your true calling

Through deep connection with your spirit animal

Soul Healing with Animals

5 online-sessions plus a BONUS 

with Ulrike Dietmann

In 5 sessions with Ulrike you will deeply connect with your spirit animal. It will guide you through a healing process and liberate you from the bondages of your past. It will open the door to your most authentic and fulfilling future.   

  • We will meet in a zoom room.

  • I will find out with you your most urgent challenge that you want to present to your spirit animal. I will formulate a question or a desire with you that is understandable to the animal.

  • I will bring you into a deep meditative state and from there in close connection with your spirit animal.

  • I will guide you to share your question or your desire with the animal.

  • I will receive the answer for you. Yet I will not tell you immediately. I will guide you to receive it yourself directly from the animal. If you do not receive anything, I will tell you the answer and translate it for you from animal to human language.

  • You will receive an answer from your spirit animal that will have a deep impact. Your body structure and your brain structure will be changed as well as emotional and spiritual patterns. You will be connected to your spirit animal and experience the ripple effects days to come.

  • I will give you specific homework for daily practice.
Spirit Animals can heal you, teach you, transform you. Find out how.

In 5 sessions you will experience …


When our sessions are over I will channel a message from my team of spirit animals for your desired future. You will receive an audio recording of approx. 15 minutes.

Fee: $990 for five sessions of 45 minutes duration plus Bonus.

You will get a recording of our sessions.

Your spirit animals are waiting for you. 

I am happy to guide you


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